Hi everyone,
As explained in this post, I'm powering up again for some Blog goodness.
So, what have I been up to lately in the 40k universe?
1. Building my Imperial Guard Drop Force:
I've been to all the latests tournaments using an Imperial Guard list. Now, I always depended on my good gaming buddy Francis for this.
The army will pretty much resemble what I enjoy about 40k: lots of flyers and deep strikers, allied with a Legio Servae detachment. The latter is, for those of you who don't know, my DIY Chapter that has been played with multiple codicies, 75% using the Blood Angels codex.
My standard list would look something along:
- Primaris Psyker
- 5 Stormtroopers with 2 Plasma (Surprise: they Deep Strike)
- Platoon: PCS with 2 Plasma, 2x Infantry Squads with Autocannons
- 2x Veterans Squads with 3 Plasma
- 3x Vendetta's
- 2x Leman Russes (1 Ordinary, 1 Demolisher) --> Dust Tactics models, of course
- Avenger Strike Fighter
Allies: CSM
- Sorcerer in TDA
- 2x 10-men Squads of Chaos Space Marines with Plasma & Autocannon
Fort.: DFLine, Comm Relay (!)
Now, be warned: this list is still in Flux. I'm really not sure e.g. about the veteran/infantry configuration or the lack of Artillery. That's all for another blog post.
2. Organising a bunch of stuff:
I'm quitely trying to get some things going in our gaming club. I've tried organising Beginner days and such, but damn you MTG! Never is there really a good moment.
Oh sure, I did some demos and such, but the 'big' event I was planning didn't really work out.
Furthermore, and that's the bigger news: I'll be holding a Tournament!
The rulespack's ready, but needs some playtesting.
The idea is 5 games, 500 pts, with plenty of breakes etc. to socialise & meet new people.
Additionally, this kind of thing has never been tried before here in Belgium, so...
In prep, a lot of guys at the club have been trying out a bunch of stuff, and they have to admit it's quite hard to make a really statisfying list.
But, on that, later this week.
Ps: Comments & Critisism always more than welcome!
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